Happy Sunday dear friends! I hope you’re spending this beautiful day with your wonderful families and friends; soaking in every last second of the weekend before jumping back into the weekly crazy we all know is coming on Monday.
I have a little secret about Sunday. We LOOOOVE to splurge dessert-wise on Sundays. When I was growing up, my big brother would often make a batch of chocolate chip cookies, or sugary-sweet orange julius’ for the family to enjoy together. A big bowl of air-popped popcorn would find it’s way into our living room with yet another Disney movie, or even The Sound of Music (my Dad’s usual favorite – can you believe that?)…
So it’s no surprise that on Sunday evening, I’m usually whipping up a dessert out of habit. I think it might be because my taste buds have been so steadily programmed for something sweet at the week’s end. (Maybe a pick-me-up to cure the inevitable Monday-blues?) I’ve found that a bowl of ice cream can cure anything, take me back to my childhood, and that it’s SUPER easy to make.
Hear that? EASY! You guys can make this gorgeous ice cream next weekend (Mothers worldwide will thank-you). The secret to it’s perfect batter is the cream cheese – it transforms ice cream from yum to WHY ON EARTH CAN’T I STOP EATING THIS???
Next, is the strawberry & angel food cake combo. It’s classic. It’s timeless. It works 100% of the time. Why not throw it into a beautiful batch of ice cream, right? The angel food cake is cut up into little cubes, along with the chopped strawberries, and holy smokes! The angel food cake creates such a soft little pocket of texture you will never forget.
Ready to make this? Get on it, while those strawberries are the star of the season!
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Strawberry & Cream Cheese 
Angel Food Cake Ice Cream
makes 3/4 quart
8oz softened cream cheese
3/4 C sugar
1 C whole milk
a pinch of salt
1/2 C heavy whipping cream
1 C chopped strawberries
1 C cubed angel food cake

1. In a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream together the cream cheese and sugar until well combined. Stir in the milk, salt, and heavy whipping cream. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 2 hours.
2. After chilling for 2 hours, pour into the ice cream maker and make ice cream soft-serve according to manufacturers directions. Toss in angel food cake and strawberries right before ice cream is finished.
2. Pour back into the airtight container, and freeze for 2-5 hours. The strawberries tend to freeze in the freezer, so not too long (not an overnighter recipe). Remove from freezer 10 minutes before serving.

Recipe adapted from: a beautiful mess